Open letter to Max Mara

We will not stop. We will not back down. Expect us in Madrid and anywhere you are. Go fur free and we will leave. Deal in fur and we will be there.

We have tried to have conversations with you. We have tried calling you, emailing you, messaging you. We have knocked at your door. But you have always refused to talk. You have always refused to have a conversation around the use of fur, and remain silent on the matter. Meanwhile, thousands of animals suffer and die every year on fur farms, and you are to blame.

We live at a time when most fashion companies have already committed themselves to stop selling fur, and public opinion is increasingly negative on the issue. That makes you, the Max Mara Fashion Group, one of the few groups that still chooses violence over compassion, and one of the least ethical groups, not at all aligned with the way the new generations see the world. But still you choose to look away and to keep having ties with one of the cruelest industries in the entire world.

That is why we started a global campaign against you last year. You already know our request: announce an official, worldwide and group-wide fur free policy.

For now, we want you to know that:

  1. We are still open to have a private conversation with you around a potential fur free policy. You can contact us at or any of the three big networks running this campaign: AFW (Abolish Fur Worldwide), CAFT (Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade) and the Fur Free Alliance.

  2. We will keep targeting your businesses and any company or individual that deals or partners with you until you announce an official, worldwide and group-wide fur free policy.

  3. Removing all fur items from your websites is not enough for us and for the animals. While we understand that this may be a step in the right direction, we demand a public statement in which you commit yourselves to never sell, use or work in fur again and implement an official, worldwide and group-wide fur free policy.

  4. We are growing, constantly adding new cities and teams to our network. We are committed and we are serious about our ask. We do not take no for an answer. The international anti-fur movement has had a 100% win rate for several years now: give in, and everything will be easier.

We will make sure there is no rest for the Max Mara Fashion Group and for the Maramotti family, owners of the business.

MCPA (Madrid Against Fur)

June 15, 2024


Carta abierta a Max Mara